We Are Here To Help
Our Customer Service department is here to serve you in the most professional, courteous and knowledgeable manner possible.
Phone numbers
Questions about your account(s)?
Call: (800) 223-1700 ext.230
Contact a branch about your Checking, Savings, Certificate of Deposit, or IRA account(s).
Call: 401-732-1991
For other questions or inquiries, please submit your item through our secure contact us form or call us toll free: (800) 223-1700
Loan payments - online & mobile
Pay your Auto, Mortgage, Home Improvement and Small Business Loans...visit our payment site to complete your payment now.
Online & Mobile banking
Utilize Online Banking to answer many of your questions regarding balance, transactions and other functions. Access your bank account activity anytime, anywhere!
Bank by phone -
Call our Telephone Banking System to obtain a balance, review account history, perform debit card maintenance, place stop payments and review the other banking services offered.